Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Non c'è abbastanza tempo...

As the end of my third week of school approaches, I have realized just how quickly time is flying over here. In two weeks Mom and Dad will be visiting, then school ends shortly into May, and at the end of July it will be time to return to Cali!

Things have certainly calmed down quite a bit since regular classes have started (a.k.a.- we all came to the cruel realization that we are here for school and, ergo, must study and attend classes). However, these classes are much more intriguing that I had hoped. In addition to a continuation of my Italian language course, I am taking three 5 unit courses: Ancient Roman Art, Renaissance Art in Rome, and Rome: The Age of Baroque. My favorite so far is Baroque simply because Rome really was the center for this amazing artistic style. Almost every class is an on-site lecture, meaning we meet for class at a certain place in the city and actually stand in front of whatever piece of art we are being lectured on. This teaching style is completely new to me, but for art history, it is quite appropriate. It can be hard to concentrate but, thankfully, my professor is amazingly knowledgeable and listening to him speak for two hours (even when standing in a chilly church) is not a chore at all. All I can say is thank you to the ASC for graciously donating a clipboard to my academic endeavour, taking notes without it would be terrible! J

Villa Borghese- my first site visit for my Baroque class!

Piazza del Popolo- the northern gate to the Eternal City

Apart from school, I have taken a day trip to Ostia Antica (one of the port cities of ancient Rome) and Naples. When I told my roommate’s (Italian) boyfriend we were going to Naples for a day he made a joke about Naples being in the bagno (bathroom)… shows what most Italians think about Naples. Although the city was quite dirty the bay was beautiful and the pizza- other worldly!

Ostia Antica

City of the Dead

Words are not necessary
Inside of Naple's Duomo

Naples graffiti-art

Castel dell'Ovo

The Bay of Naples (obviously it looks quite different now)

We were pretttty high up...

Between my classes, weekends, and blind exploration I am quickly learning that one could live in Rome for an entire lifetime and still not know it completely. As my Art History Professor says, Rome is a city of mysteries. 


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